
Developer Lifecycle: Hire like a pro!


Welcome to our article series on mastering the developer lifecycle. From recruitment to offboarding, we'll explore how to create an exceptional developer experience at every stage. 

With a well-established lifecycle, developers can be more productive and happier, lowering developer turnover. This therefore saves you not only from nerves but also a lot of money.

Don't expect any official studies from us, but rather our tips that have been proven to work and are developer-approved. 

Although we focused on developers, most of the content will benefit any employee over time. 


Hiring developers is getting harder and harder. Competition in the market is huge. It can take several months to recruit senior developers. This makes it all the more important to do your best when hiring. Apart from the fact that you might be able to find the right match faster, you are representing the company from the very beginning to a relatively large audience. Poor hiring can lead to a bad reputation for the company.

Furthermore, a recent study from Project Brain showed that up to 51% of new hires either leave their position or need significant support due to a poor recruitment process. This highlights how inadequate hiring practices can dramatically increase employee turnover and its associated costs.

51% of new hires leave or need support due to poor recruitment

Our 16 tips for great hiring experience 

Today, you will not be guided through the hiring process as you might expect. Why? Because we think that each company has unique needs, and your hiring process should reflect that. Instead, we'll give you our tips on what you definitely shouldn't overlook in your recruitment process.

  1. Be sure of your goals before starting: There's nothing worse than a company that doesn't know exactly what it wants and can't provide the candidate with all the information. Before drafting a job description, ensure you have all the essential details. This includes determining the precise budget, understanding the team's expectations for the new hire's role, and clarifying the specific projects they'll be working on.
  2. Target your JDs: Approach JDs a bit like advertising; who is your target audience? A senior BE developer, great; in that case, write it in his tone of voice and make sure he finds the information relevant to him. When creating the JD, involve current team members in the same role; their insights are valuable.
  3. Make your culture shine: Ensure your public image aligns with your company culture. This helps attract candidates who will fit your team and prevents misunderstandings during the hiring process. Remember, strong employer branding matters even when you're not actively recruiting.
  4. Have a process tailored to your needs: Set up a process that fits what you currently need. Don't be afraid to be flexible. Be clear about what you want from what step, why you're doing it, and who you need it for, but don't be afraid to change the process to fit a certain situation.
  5. Select candidates wisely: Don’t disqualify candidates solely based on their CV or the information they provided in response to the JD. A CV may not always be up-to-date, and many things, like salary, are negotiable. If you predict a large pool of candidates for your position, find a technique to help with selection without discouraging them. For example, avoid asking them to complete any tests before the first conversation.
  6. Time is the key: Especially when hiring developers, it is important to respond quickly, and by that, 🔥I mean within 24 hours🔥. Unfortunately, we are still seeing candidates not getting answers swift enough, or worse, not at all. Remember, even if your offer is outstanding, most candidates tend to prioritize certainty.
  7. Maintain the candidate's operating temperature: This step closely relates to the previous one. Of course, it may happen that something will take longer than expected. But the important thing is to keep the candidate informed of what is happening. For example:
    • You promised to send feedback on a task by Wednesday. It's not due on Wednesday; write to the candidate anyway to apologize and explain what happened.
    • Use any wait time to send the candidate other materials that might help them or you make a decision.

Maintaining regular contact ensures that the candidate remains engaged and feels valued, even when faced with unexpected setbacks in the recruitment process. 

  1. Explain hiring goals to the candidate: From the outset, provide candidates with a clear roadmap of your hiring process. Ideally, the candidate should already know from the JD or from the very beginning of the communication exactly how the recruitment will take place. How much time will it take? And what is the function of each step? The more information a candidate has, the more likely they are to want to work with you.
  2. Discover your added value: Know what sets you apart. Why should a candidate choose you? This value can vary across roles, but you should know whether your triumpf card is salary, culture, or, for example, technology. Tailor your approach to each candidate. Consider what aspects of your company might resonate most with their individual goals and aspirations. Remember, for developers, the appeal has evolved beyond just offering remote work options.
  3. Be prepared to answer: Developers often evaluate whether they are talking to someone technically proficient. However, knowing as much as possible about the position and answering their questions early on earns you extra points. For example:
    • What technology do you use?
    • How many people and what roles are there on the team?
    • How does the team divide up the tasks?
    • etc.
  4. Create checklists: Stay organized to ensure you don't overlook anything when communicating with the candidate. While we recommend not preparing every conversation point-by-point to maintain a natural discussion, having a checklist of key topics can be helpful, such as:
    • A list of technical skills
    • A list of "HR stuff" includes things like collaboration methods and salary
    • A list of no-go's (you can always talk about them too; they might eventually become go's)
  5. Let the candidate speak: Think of the interview as a two-way deal. Your job is definitely not to test the candidate, but rather to see if you have a common match. Ideally, the interview should be a balanced 50:50 exchange. We suggest providing the candidate with as much information as possible before the initial discussion, giving you a solid foundation to build upon.
  6. Don’t assign tasks just for the sake of it. For junior roles, asking candidates to complete a task can be valuable, but only if you have the time to thoroughly evaluate it. If you want a task from a candidate, you should also take the time to get feedback. You also need to be sure that you get enough information from the task, especially in today's AI world. We would rather recommend ways like:
    • Live coding
    • Discussing how the candidate approaches a specific problem during the interview (and letting them know in advance what the focus will be).

It's important to remember that you shouldn't approach any part of the recruitment process as a test, and certainly don't get to elaborate on something you'll use afterwards. 

  1. Be transparent: Avoid spinning around a hot potato. Be transparent about what you offer and what problems might arise. The goal isn't to hire someone who realizes after a few weeks that it's not the right fit. This will save time for both sides.

The goal isn't to hire someone who realizes after a few weeks that it's not the right fit.

  1. Add a personal touch: This is what can set you apart from others. Avoid relying on automated or generic emails unless absolutely necessary. Approach candidates with a human touch, especially when delivering rejections. Just as the candidate invested time and effort in the recruitment process, you should carefully consider why they weren't selected. Always give candidates feedback that is sensitive but also gives them something to take away for the future. I'm sure they'll appreciate it. Remember, just because you didn't choose them now doesn't mean you won’t in the future.
  2. Communicate the onboarding process: During recruitment, clearly explain how your onboarding works; many employees leave during this stage. Ensure the candidate feels comfortable and confident with your process.


Recruitment is not just about releasing a JD and assessing candidates. It's all about creating an experience for the candidate that is meaningful to them, one that allows you to assess if they’re a good fit for your team and likely to stay long-term. It's definitely not about recruiting someone at any cost or over-testing candidates. By refining your recruitment process with transparency, personal touches, and a clear focus on your company's unique value, you create an experience that sets you apart. 

Bára Mrkáčková
Bára Mrkáčková
People & Marketing Coordinator

I look after the happiness of the employees at DXH. I take care of recruitment, employer branding, and event planning. At the same time I take care of our marketing

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